Become a member
By pressing “Join Värmlands” you’ll be redirect to uppsalastudent.com where you can join as a member – online!
Being a “värmlänning” has nothing to do with geographic origin.
Being a “värmlänning” is simply a state of mind.
Värmlänningar are warm and open to meeting new people and look after friends and family. Hence, Värmlands nation is a large community of kind and easy-going people. As a member of Värmlands, you become part of this community!
As a member you have the opportunity to become an official at the nation and get the chance to try out new experiences you never thought you would have as a student! More importantly, you will have lots of fun and establish friendships that will last through your lifetime. As a member, you also get the opportunity to seek the nation’s scholarships. The nation annually hands out around SEK 3 million in scholarships. Furthermore, members of Värmlands nation get free entrance to our popular Friday club, Klubb V.
NOTE: According to new Covid rules from the government as of December 1st 2021, you need to show a certificate that you have gotten two doses of Covid vaccine in EU to attend the club. Contact 1Q@varmlandsnation.se if you have any questions.
Contact us.
More information about the nation and membership by visiting us on site or by contacting our 1Q.